The Future of Gaming and the Changes I Would Like to See

Gaming nowadays has became all about the money. Game developers release unfinished, rushed games at $60 and all the things they didn’t finish in the original release is released as dlc for $14-50. In the end, a person could end up spending $160 max for just one game. Gamers like me are unhappy with this practice and I believe us gamers as a whole are responsible for the outcomes we are receiving.

For example, Electronic Arts, EA, is a gaming production company that receives heat for almost every game they release because they include in-game purchases. Most gamers do not mind in-game purchases as long as they do not give those who buy them an advantage in the game. Such as, a weapon that has 100% damage rate only being available to those who buy it. This type of practice is called “pay to win” in the gaming community and its frowned upon. However, this is why gamers are upset with EA because they make their games about the money rather than make the games about the playing. They release crappy games at high prices and they expect you to pay more to get the full experience. Since we as a community keep purchasing these things, many game developers like EA continue to do this.

Recently, the gaming community has made a change in how game developers release games. EA, again, came under heat during their Star Wars Battlefront II release when they added in-game purchases that allowed those who bought them an advantage in the game. The gaming community came together and said “no” and forced EA to change their ways. Ea removed the in-game purchases, however they have not learned their lesson with their most recent game releases.

In the coming future, I hope that we can make a change to this practice. I hope that those who do buy in-game purchases can help us in the fight to remove these. They do nothing but suck money out of us and it doesnt allow us to enjoy the game. I also hope that game developers realize that they do not have out rush unfinished games and that they should take their time. Back in the day, dlc’s did not exist because the game was completed. I wish the gaming market would go back to just being about games rather than making money.