The Future of Gaming and the Changes I Would Like to See

Gaming nowadays has became all about the money. Game developers release unfinished, rushed games at $60 and all the things they didn’t finish in the original release is released as dlc for $14-50. In the end, a person could end up spending $160 max for just one game. Gamers like me are unhappy with this practice and I believe us gamers as a whole are responsible for the outcomes we are receiving.

For example, Electronic Arts, EA, is a gaming production company that receives heat for almost every game they release because they include in-game purchases. Most gamers do not mind in-game purchases as long as they do not give those who buy them an advantage in the game. Such as, a weapon that has 100% damage rate only being available to those who buy it. This type of practice is called “pay to win” in the gaming community and its frowned upon. However, this is why gamers are upset with EA because they make their games about the money rather than make the games about the playing. They release crappy games at high prices and they expect you to pay more to get the full experience. Since we as a community keep purchasing these things, many game developers like EA continue to do this.

Recently, the gaming community has made a change in how game developers release games. EA, again, came under heat during their Star Wars Battlefront II release when they added in-game purchases that allowed those who bought them an advantage in the game. The gaming community came together and said “no” and forced EA to change their ways. Ea removed the in-game purchases, however they have not learned their lesson with their most recent game releases.

In the coming future, I hope that we can make a change to this practice. I hope that those who do buy in-game purchases can help us in the fight to remove these. They do nothing but suck money out of us and it doesnt allow us to enjoy the game. I also hope that game developers realize that they do not have out rush unfinished games and that they should take their time. Back in the day, dlc’s did not exist because the game was completed. I wish the gaming market would go back to just being about games rather than making money.

How to make your own budget friendly green screen for under $12

So if you’re a broke young adult like myself, you’re living on a budget. Top streamers these days use $100+ priced items and while those are great, they’re not always affordable. I found a Youtube video explaining how to make a green screen out of paper and I built on that to make my own version. This version of a green screen is to be placed on a wall. This is not a how-to for a stand-alone green screen.

I used 6 sheets of Fluorescent Green Posterboard sheets ($6.54 [excluding tax] at Michaels). 6 sheets was exactly enough for me as it surrounded my setup perfectly with room to spare. Next, I got a three pack of double-sided tape ($7 [excluding tax]). I bought the tape at Michaels since that’s where I was but I actually found it cheaper at Walmart for $4.97 [excluding tax] afterwards. The cardboard was a old box that contained my computer desk that I never threw out. I used the cardboard as support to make the green screen sturdy as well as a separation between tape and wall. I am renting my apartment so I wanted to play it safe and not tape anything to the walls, however my landlord is fine with using thumbtacks in the walls. So please, before you start this project, if you’re a renter, please make sure you know what your landlord is cool with whether it be nails, tape, thumbtacks, nail gun, stapler, etc.

Below are the instructions to make your own budget friendly green screen for under $12**.

**Total expenses may vary depending on how big you make your “green screen”

Materials needed:

  • 6+ Fluorescent Green Posterboard Sheets
  • 3 or more rolls of double sided tape
  • Cardboard for support/barrier between tape and wall (optional but recommended)

1.) First, tack/staple/tape your cardboard to the wall you wish to place your green screen. Make sure your green screen space is big enough so that it surrounds you and provides extra space around you.

2.) After making sure your cardboard is secure on the wall, start taping your posterboard sheets to the cardboard. I surrounded the edges of the paper with tape rather than putting the tape directly in the middle. Before handling tape, make sure your hands are free from dirt and oils as it could ruin the stickiness of the tape and later cause issues with the sheets staying up.

3.) Ensure there are no air pockets in the tape. You want the tape to be flat on all sides to prevent the sheets from falling once you turn your back.

4.) Boot up your device and test your green screen. Make sure your green screen fills EVERY CORNER OF YOUR CAMERA. Any space within the camera that is not you or your props should be green screen. If you still see some of your wall inside of your shot, You need to make your green screen bigger. Make adjustments per your wants and needs.

5.) Enjoy and share this tip with your other budget friendly mates.

This green screen can last a good while if taken care of properly. Even if it does start to deteriorate, you can easily make another for $12. If you’re goal is to one day own a $100+ green screen, starting here is a good idea. 🙂

Here’s a pic of my setup:




The Nintendo Gamecube: My Favorite Game System

I remember way back in 2004 when my mom bought me the Nintendo Gamecube for Valentine’s Day. I was so excited, however I don’t remember ever actually wanting the Gamecube but that’s not important.

The first game she bought me was Super Mario Sunshine. I remember popping this game in and being so in awe of the graphics as well as the controls. Mario’s design was so gorgeous. I believed it meshed well with the whole island scenery of Delfino, the in game island. The controller shape was also really weird as well as amazing. I always thought it was shaped like two peanuts leaning against each other. Although, back then, my hands were smaller, my hands seem to comfortably rest on the huge gray bumper pads in the back. This controller design may not have aged well, but I do believe it’s one of the top most recognizable controller designs as of now.

The next game I received was Kirby Air Ride. This game was a staple in my childhood and I still play this game to this day. Back in the day, my cousins and I would play the City Trial mode which I believe, may have been an early battle royale type of mode. We would upgrade our kirby’s and their vehicles and we would play each and every mini game until we got to the “VS King Dede” minigame. Once we got to this minigame, we would replay it over and over, trying to beat King Dede (while also never succeeding) as our grandmother would watch us strategize and work together.

Lastly, my favorite being Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. I first was exposed to this game at a friend’s house. I remember she had it and she didn’t really enjoy it, so she let me have it (without her parent’s permission) I remember starting it up and loving how energetic the title screen was. It started with a nice, rock intro that really got you into the vibe of the game. The game starts off with the selection of Sonic’s Hero story or Shadow’s Dark story, who was first introduced in this game. I always chose Hero story as I loved playing as Sonic. Back then, I didn’t have a memory card so I would always try to play for as long as I could without turning off the console but sometimes my mom would always turn off the console while I was at school. It didn’t make me upset as it allowed me to replay the Hero story mode from the beginning. I eventually learned the game so well, I could dodge enemies before they spawned.

I’ve had many games on the Nintendo Gamecube. I wish I never sold my old one as it contained a lot of my history such as when my little cousin threw it down the stairs or when I accidentally spilled juice on one of the controllers. Even having a Gamecube now bring some so much nostalgia. Nintendo really hit out the park with this game system and they only keep getting better. I can’t wait to see what future Nintendo game systems will be a staple in my adulthood.